It's me, Ella Epton, inside the box*. But don't be fooled, I'm going to get you and your business OUTSIDE THE BOX! It is what I have been doing all my life. Born in former USSR, I challenged school rules as a teenager. As a young adult I fought komsomol leaders. When I emigrated to the USA in 1989 with my family, I finally felt free to be creative. I enrolled in graphic and computer design at Ray college of design in Chicago and got my first job as a graphic designer for Dontech. Shortly after I founded Elaton Inc. - a graphic design studio.
It has been an exciting and fulfilling journey. Along the way I have designed for many small and medium size companies, start ups, law firms, and non-profits. I am looking forward to design for you!

*I'm inside the box - Zane Miller installation "Two-way Protocols" at Art Prize